Lalicat Antidetect Browser
digital fingerprint parameters

What is Browser Fingerprinting?

Your fingerprints are unique and authorities usually take it as an identifier of you in real life. In a similar way, hardware and software configurations data of your machine collectively act as a unique fingerprint of your machine. Many third party websites use the data as a means to identify you as an individual. The key is to get as much information as possible based on browser configurations and what data it can be collected.

The collected digital fingerprint data includes browser version, system fonts, resolution, operating system, CPU class, language, WebGL, RAM, CPU, SSL, Media Device, Extensions, etc. the list is huge. Lalicat anti detect browser offers the option to configure all the collectable data and customize these data to make up your unique fingerprint, so that any third party website cannot collect your data and you can generate as many profiles as you want.

Why Anonymous Surfing is Important?

Many websites such as Facebook, government and agency try their best to collect your unique digital fingerprint data about you and collect your information to identify you in surfing. If you want to protect your privacy and sensitive information, you have to be cautious and learn anonymous surfing.

Despite using proxies and VPNs for that purpose, you have to keep your digital fingerprint secure by using a fake digital fingerprint browser such as Lalicat antidetect browser, just click to generate a new profile and you can surf the internet anonymously.

Internet anomymous surfing


Through revising chromium core to create physically isolated fingerprint in each virtual profile, totally unlinked without risk with Lalicat antidetect browser

Multiple Accounts

Browser Fingerprints

Automation API

Team Collaboration

Manage Multiple Accounts

Run multiple browser profiles simultaneously, through virtual fingerprint browser technology to setup different multi login environment, each IP is assigned to each profile, cloud synching ensures you never lose your data.

Manage Multiple Accounts

Use Cases

Find where you can apply for Lalicat Virtual Browser


Social Media Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Ads Agency

Online Survey




Why Choose Antidetect Browser Lalicat?

Protect your accounts from banned, manage multiple accounts more safe and work efficiently online.
Trusted Users
Virtual Profiles Created
2068 517
Internet anomymous surfing
digital fingerprint parameters

What is Lalicat Browser?

To ensure absolutely anonymous surfing online with Lalicat, we need the best secure browser, not like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, which did not fit for the purposes of our multiple accounts management. So that we developed our unique browser: Lalicat.

Lalicat is a suitable antidetect browser for Tor Network. The interface is designed, developed, and based on chrome, for which is the most popular browser and familiar by users. It can emulate Chrome, Firefox antidetect browsers for android, iPhone, or windows OS. Evenmore, Lalicat make a great improvement on technology parameters of the browser fingerprints that will be detect as native, genuine identity by the tracking system from the third-party platforms, such as amazon, ebay, google, facebook, and more.

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